Thursday, June 03, 2010

The Defense of Offense
The displayed image is the official seal of Columbia University in New York City. Here are a few things to point out regarding its symbolism. First, the Hebrew text at the top is the Tetragrammaton "YHWH" which means Yahweh or God. The Latin phrase over the seated figure, "In Lumine Tuo Videbimus Lumen" is the motto of Columbia University which means, "In thy light we shall see light." The source of this phrase is Psalm 36:9. Thirdly, the phrase placed near the seated figure's mouth is "Auris Al" which means "the Lord is my Light" which alludes to Psalm 27:1 (The Lord is my light and my salvation). Of course the predominant image is of children at the feet of the seated figure. Below that image is the reference: 1 Pet. 2:1-2 which says, "So put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander. Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation." At this point it is worth noting that if you are a graduate of the university, this is the seal embossed on your diploma. But what if this imagery offends you?

Consider the recent graduation exercises at Trinity University in Texas. A graduating Muslim student rallied support from a campus diversity watchdog to protest the words "in the year of our Lord" appearing on the diploma--citing that the whole process was a "bait and switch" in their opinion. An excerpt from Trinity's press release reads thus:

A Trinity University student group – the Trinity Diversity Connection – and other students are seeking to change the language on diplomas issued to graduates. The certificates list the year of graduation, which is preceded by the phrase “In the year of our Lord.” Some students – but not all – want that phrase stricken from future diplomas.

Really!?! After four years of attending a school with a Christian heritage, though no longer tied to any religious affiliation, this is the point of offense? One would think that the name "Trinity" (which, by the way, will also appear on the diploma) would have a bigger offense. Let's also consider nature of Trinity's seal. What is that book? A law text? A Reader's Digest? My gut instinct says, "A Bible."

Let me be frank and to the point now. We live in a civilization that has largely been built on Judeo-Christian precepts. To think that we should revise history and apologize for every point along the way to a current faction within culture which demands the right 'not to be offended' is sheer lunacy. I am not suggesting that we ARE living in a Christian culture, or that we must force institutions like Columbia and Trinity to live up to its historical roots, but we must not acquiesce to such noise and bend like a wet cracker--that is unless we are agreeing that this is merely the foretaste of a persecution yet to come to western Christianity.

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